James now has rare expertise in this emerging area of law.
James has been researching whistleblowing for 7 years commencing with assistance to Julian Assange in 2010, establishing with colleagues Blueprint for Free Speech, an NGO dedicated to the creation of best practice whistleblowing legislation, following on with interviews with 12 leading UK whistleblowers in 2013 as part of the Blueprint report on the state of the British legislative regime.
View the report here.
James has recently reviewed the Victorian Protected Disclosure Act(Vic) 2012 for the State Parliamentary IBAC Committee making comparisons of its operation with other states and the Commonwealth and the Employment Rights Act UK 1996 and some American equivalents. Click here for the report.
James is currently Plaintiff's counsel in:
Burgess v People with Disability Australia Ltd (Federal Court) VID 208/2020 - Whistleblowing provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) Part 9.4AAA
Kim Rogerson v City of Greater Dandenong (Supreme Court of Victoria) 1723 of 2022 - Public Interest Disclosures Act (Vic) 2012